Happy New Year!!!

2022 is here and I thought I’d share exactly what you can all expect from me in this year. I shall try to keep the post as short as possible, but there may be some expositing.

  • I’ll start with some news I know a lot of people have been waiting for… Never Die is getting a hardback edition. I plan to run a Kickstarter to help fund it and make it as special as possible. Felix Ortiz is onboard to provide some amazing interior art, and I hope for a few other surprises too.
  • Next we have Sins of the Mother (The War Eternal #4). Eska’s penultimate outing. The book is written and with the editor now, the cover art is done, the release date is set for May 2nd. It is happening!
  • There’s also my sci-fantasy progression story. I’ve been calling it CODENAME: Final Genesis, but that was… well, just a codename. It’s real name is Titan Hoppers, and it will be releasing this year. I don’t have an official date for it yet, but the book is written. It needs a lot of editing yet, but that won’t stop it.

Now onto some more nebulous things.

  • Death’s Beating Heart (The War Eternal #5). The final book in Eska’s story. I haven’t started writing it yet, but it’s my main goal for this year. I also hope to get it released towards the end of the year. I can’t be sure that will happen as of yet, it honestly depends on how long it takes to write. But be assured, it is coming.
  • Pawn’s Gambit hardback. I’m spending the first part of the year sorting the Never Die hardback, but I have not forgotten about Pawn’s Gambit. I hope to have the whole first Mortal Techniques trilogy in hardback by the end of the year.
  • And finally, I will be writing a novella this year. It’s set in my upcoming Age of the Godeater world, and it will be called Demon. You, my lovely patrons, will get to read it as soon as it’s written, but general release won’t be until 2023.

And that’s it. Everything that I hope to be writing and releasing this year. Although, knowing my brain, something else will pop up and demand to be written. 😀 Thanks for staying with me, all. Here’s to a wonderful 2022!