A New Cozy Project

Sometime last week I made a joke on Twitter that because cozy fantasy was popular right now I was going to write a book about a witch’s cat who had to go on an adventure to find her witch… A number of people said they wanted to read that story… A...

A Random Update of Random Things

OK, so I’ve not posted for a while. Sorry about that. I have been busy though. Death’s Beating Heart (The 5th and final The War Eternal book) is well under way. Currently sitting at just over 40k words, though tbh it feels like I’ve barely even...

A VERY old short story

I came across this the other day and thought it might be fun to share. This is a short I wrote when I was 13 or 14 years old. So it’s probably about 25 years old by now. I didn’t really understand what grammar was at the time so fair warning. I think I had...

Sins of the Mother eARCs are here!

Eska is back for book 4 of The War Eternal. And eARCs are ready. Clicky the linky to grab yourself a copy. It’ll ask for an email address, but it’s just so I can keep track of who has a copy.Also, I do recommend having read books 1-3 first. :DHappy...

NEW RELEASE: Titan Hoppers

I know it’s taken a couple of weeks longer than I said it would, but here it is! The Advanced Reader Copies of Titan Hoppers are now available. Currently exclusively to my patreons!Please be aware this is not the final cover.Also be aware that this is still a...