Book Review: Jacked by Kirk Dougal

Book Review: Jacked by Kirk Dougal

Jacked by Kirk Dougal is a YA sci-fi thriller with a very interesting concept. The idea is that almost all electronics (or tech) has shut down after the Crash. At the same time, the majority of the population either died or went brain dead. A bunch of religious...
Book Review: King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

Book Review: King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

Well that was a hell of a ride. I read the second half of this book over the course of 2 days… which is quite rare for me given how slowly I read. That should tell you something about how much I enjoyed it. So King of Thorns follows on fairly directly from...
Book Reviews!

Book Reviews!

So this year I made a sort of resolution type thing. I didn’t read a lot in 2015. It was bad of me. I’m ashamed. Part of it was struggling through a few books I really didn’t like, part of it was chronic headaches for roughly 6 months (not a lot of...