So it turns out there’s quite a few fantasy book related Kickstarters flying around these days. From special editions to D&D modules to straight up book launches. And to be honest it can be tough to keep track of them. So I asked if people wanted a blog, similar to my Self Published Fantasy Releases blog to allow folk to see what Kickstarters are going on.

Now this list won’t be comprehensive. I’ll be building it from the ones I hear about, and the ones authors tell me about. So, authors, if you’re running a Kickstarter any time soon… TELL ME!

For now, I’ll be doing October and November together, but I may change up the format as we go.

Rules. Gotta have some rules. OK, 1 rule.

Your Kickstarter must have some sort of public page, even if it’s just a launching soon page.

22nd November – 21st December

Sea Dragon: three ocean urban fantasy books by Emma Shelford

Book launch, Special Edition Hardcovers

Her song is magic, but she’s in trouble deeper than ever. Join half-siren Lune and her octopus friend in a mermaid mystery series.

November 29th – December 20th

Revenge: Wahrheit Book 2 by AC Cobble

Book Launch, Hardcover, Audiobook

The second book in the epic fantasy series, Wahrheit. The first book was launched with a hugely successful Kickstarter, and this project takes up where that one left off. Over half the prior stretch goals are included from the second the project funds, and the entire production team including narrator Travis Baldree are back at it. But if you missed the first one, have no fear, those books are available again!

If you enjoy action-packed, adventurous fantasy set in a sprawling world, with a heavy dose of political intrigue, sharp-witted characters, a little bit of humor, and a story that grips you by the throat and doesn’t let go, then this series is for you! It’s the 17th book by AC Cobble, and so far everyone agrees, it’s his best yet.

December 9th – December 22nd

System Apocalypse Anthology Volume 2 by Tao Wong

Anthology Collection

Dashing tales of heroics and everyday life abound in the second System Apocalypse short story anthology. Competing alien and human settlements clash, and a simple party planner is caught between in After Party. A New York trashman and his friend fight off loan sharks and exploit the System for gain, finding treasure among others garbage in Completely Trashed and a prisoner must decide between his humanity and humanity itself in WWMRD?

 With over ten stories from exciting new voices and a few veterans of the universe, the second anthology highlights the lives and struggles of humanity’s best and worst years after System advent.

The second System Apocalypse short story anthology takes place between books 4 and 6 and covers years two to six during that period.