Confession times again, children, so gather round and listen to C.T. Phipps, author of Agent G: Infiltrator, as he unloads the burdens of his authory soul. How do we judge this heretic? Is he forgiven? Or damned?


  • My first book was delayed two years in being published due to the fact I made a bad deal with Permuted Press that got purchased after it accepted my books. That left me the entire time to write sequels that people attributed to me being “prolific.”


  • I actually was delayed another year in the release of Esoterrorism and Wraith Knight with another indie press. I had intended both to being ongoing series but they were released at a criminally slow rate.


  • I spent six months trying to get my rights back from the aforementioned press for those books.


  • I wrote Esoterrorism to be my magnum opus and a series I intended to write nothing but sequels to. I ended up, due to the delays, writing a book for fun called The Rules of Supervillainy that I didn’t think would be popular. It has outsold all of my other books put together by a massive amount.


  • Permuted Press accepted every single book submitted to it during the time it was being bought out except one. That was The Rules of Supervillainy that sold 40K copies in its first year.


  • I rewrote the novel, Cthulhu Armageddon, six times before sending it for submission. The original manuscript was 120K while the final one was 80K. I pulled out 40K of crap writing from my early attempts and rewrote it repeatedly with the lessons I’d learned from other books.


  • I write in WordPad then transfer it to Word because of the superstition it makes me write faster.


  • My co-author, Michael Suttkus (II), has been my friend for almost twenty years and we started together on the old White Wolf tabletop game forums.


  • Some of the characters in my books are former tabletop game characters of mine.


  • I wrote the entirety of Straight Outta Fangton in a week while my wife was on vacation to visit Minneapolis.


  • Jim Bernheimer, who published The Rules of Supervillainy, was actually in the same writing group as me. Both of us were writing stories about snarky supervillain protagonists. His book, Confessions of a D-List Supervillain, is every bit as successful as mine but came out first.


  • In preparation for writing Agent G, I watched all of the James Bond movies back to back. I also listened to the soundtrack while writing.


  • When I thought my books would be published by Permuted Press, I was told to build a social media presence so I made a blog, twitter account, and Facebook page. I discussed reviews, games, and networked as best I could — later I would find out no one else did.


  • I only learned of the word grimdark as a non-pejorative and the list due to someone calling my book, Esoterrorism, it — and it’s not.


C.T Phipps is a lifelong student of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. An avid tabletop gamer, he discovered this passion led him to write and turned him into a lifelong geek. He is a regular blogger on “The United Federation of Charles” . He’s the author of The Supervillainy Saga, Cthulhu Armageddon, Straight Outta Fangton, and Esoterrorism.

“Black Technology has made murder a billion dollar industry.”

The International Refugee Society has twenty-six cybernetically enhanced “Letters,” and for the right price, they’ll eliminate anyone. They’ve given up their families and their memories for ten years of service with the promise of a life of luxury awaiting them.

Agent G is one of these “Letters,” but clues to his past are starting to emerge while he’s on a dangerous mission to infiltrate the Society’s most dangerous competitor. In the midst of all the violence, subterfuge, and deceit, he’ll need to keep his wits about him and trust sparingly. 

After all if an organization will kill for money, what would they do to keep the truth hidden?